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Privacy Policy

Rick Via World Reach Partnerships appreciates those who choose to support our organization, and because of this relationship we are committed to respecting your online privacy and security. We work hard to protect any personal online information you provide to our ministry. It is important that we maintain a relationship of trust and confidence with our donors. We would like to share our online privacy policy with you so that you are aware of our security practices.

Information collected

There are two ways we collect information from visitors on our website:

1. From online donations made through our website
2. From people requesting information or materials from World Reach

The information we obtain online is voluntarily provided by you when choosing to support a project, support a staff member, or request to receive information from World Reach. The information you will provide includes name, address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, and e-mail address. With this personal information we are able to update you on ministry projects, complete a transaction for a donation, and issue a tax receipt for donations. All transactions made through our website it done trough PayPal and thus no credit card information is obtained by our office.

Securing personal information

When collecting and transferring sensitive data online including personal information, World Reach wants to ensure the security of this information. Appropriate procedures have been established to prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure proper use of the information.

Sharing personal information with other organizations

We want to assure you that all information collected through the website is kept confidential. Your personal information is never sold, rented, leased, or exchanged with other organizations. The information is restricted to internal use by World Reach.

Financial Accountability

Rick Via World Reach Partnerships is a 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit organization. To ensure accountability to our supporting churches, individuals, and other partners, we make it a priority to maintain complete financial transparency and integrity. In addition to the financial filings required of non-profits by the U.S. government, we submit to a regular audit by Ribble & Francisco Accounting, Inc. We also offer detailed financial information about our ministry by written request. Please submit your written request to: World Reach, P.O. Box 582, Blue Ridge, VA 24064.

Unsubscribe from the mailing list

If you do not wish to receive future email communication from World Reach, you have the opportunity to remove your email address from the list. Our emails will have a link to start the unsubscription process.

Modifying your information

If you would like to update your personal information, you may do so by any of the following methods:

1. Send an email to with your request to update your personal information.
2. Send the request by mail to World Reach Partnerships, P.O. Box 582, Blue Ridge, VA 24064.
3. Call our office at 1-800-977-6995.

Thanks for your support of World Reach.