It is our desire to be good stewards of all that the Lord has entrusted to us. We also want to be faithful to take the gospel to every tribe, tongue and nation as God gives us opportunities. In 2014, we were able to focus all our efforts on Uganda, Haiti and Burma and saw God work in amazing ways! It never ceases to amaze us how God continues to work in so many hearts year after year. This year we have seen our partnerships expand like never before, and we are so excited about what God is going to do in 2015.
Will you help us in this mission? We are currently about $28,000 short of our projected giving for 2014. Your special year-end gift will help immensely as we begin ministry in 2015. Above all, we thank our great God for his grace and favor this year. To God be the glory, great things he has done!
Your year end gift is tax-deductible. You can donate securely online.
Updated 1/5/15: