The Apostle Paul received what we refer to as the “Macedonian Call.” The Book of Acts records the missionary travels of Paul as he carried the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the  known world. On one account, God spoke to Paul through a dream. He dreamed that a man from Macedonia was calling out for his help. As a result of that dream, Paul answered the call and traveled to Macedonia to preach the Gospel. The rest is history.

I’m certainly no Apostle Paul and the Lord does not normally speak to me through dreams, but I cannot count the times I have been called upon to take the Gospel to some region of the world. From Sudan to South Africa, from Cuba to Cambodia, from Vietnam to Venezuela and from Uganda to Uruguay. Indigenous pastors, church leaders, and missionaries are calling out for our help.

I wish that I had the resources to respond to every pastor who is asking for our help. Unfortunately, our resources are limited and many times we must decline an invitation to preach the Gospel in some needy country. That is why I write you each month asking for your prayers and financial help. I am asking on behalf of many areas of the world who are still waiting for someone to come and help them. This month as you pay your bills and write out your monthly checks, I’m asking that you prayerfully consider a special offering for our ministry. Together, we can answer the call and take the glorious Gospel to those who are lost.

– Rick