I stood on the front porch of a home in Brazil and listened to a young mother tell her story of heartbreak and disappointment. While she spoke, the tears trickled down her cheeks and dropped on to the steps. Her husband had just passed away leaving her with five children and no means of support. The house was in shambles, her oldest child had been involved in a serious accident, and she had hospital bills she could not pay. The longer she spoke, the more she cried.

After several minutes, I began to share with this distraught mother the message of God’s love and care for her. While she listened, she began to gain her composure and even started to simile. The Spirt of God moved upon her heart and she yielded her life to Jesus Christ. I will never forget the look on her face as I walked away from her home. Her eyes were still moist with tears as she said,  ”God sent you here today. God sent you here.”

As we begin a new year of missions and evangelism, I am excited about the opportunities and open doors the Lord has set before us. We have invitations to preach in Uganda, Burma, Haiti and Cuba. There may be other open doors as the year unfolds. We need your support as never before to answer the calls for help.  Will you prayerfully consider being a part of our support team for the next twelve months? You can help us touch the lives of hundreds of precious souls still waiting for someone to reach them. Please help us to go this year so someone can say, “God sent you here.”

– Rick