Next month we will be returning to Myanmar (Burma) for our annual mission there. Our focus will be house-to-house evangelism, children’s outreach, and a church leadership conference.

The need for the gospel in Myanmar is enormous with 83 percent of the country completely unreached. That means there are 45 million Burmese men and women who have never heard the life saving message of Jesus. Can you grasp that number? The lostness in Myanmar grieves my heart and it is what compels us to go.

Pictured above is one of the Buddhist pagodas in Yangon where thousands of people go each day in search of hope, healing, forgiveness and enlightenment – none of which can it actually provide. The scene in Myanmar is similar to what Paul encountered in Athens during his second missionary journey. Acts 17:16 says Paul was “provoked in his spirit when he saw that the city was full of idols.” He was provoked because the worship that belongs to God was being given to something false, thus compelling Paul to share the gospel.

Every day millions of Burmese are worshipping what is false. So we are going to proclaim the truth – that there is only One who is worthy of their worship. There is only One who gave up His life so that they could live and there is only One who was raised from the dead. We are going with the real message of hope: the cross of Jesus Christ. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, we can have hope, healing, forgiveness, joy, and everlasting life. Please pray for us as we go. Pray that God will direct our steps and lead us to those in whose hearts He has already been working.

We still need to raise $4000 to make this trip happen. If you feel led, please help us take the gospel to Myanmar next month. You can donate online here.

– Jared