Thank you for praying for our mission to Uganda. God is so faithful and worked powerfully during this trip just as He does every single year. We could tell story after story of incredible things we experienced, but for now, let me share with you just a few.


In one village, Brandon, one of our team members got to sit down and share with a elderly man who had been a Muslim all his life.  As he shared the gospel with him, God began to work in his heart.  “I am a good muslim,” he said. “But I know that is not good enough. I need Jesus.” He prayed and surrendered his life to Jesus! That evening, one of our Ugandan pastors followed up with him at his home. In front of his entire Muslim family, he publicly professed that he was now a follower of Jesus! Please be praying for him and for the rest of his family to be saved.

Team member, Kelly, with new believer, Carol, and her friend, Eve, just after they both gave their lives to Jesus.

Early in the morning on the day we were to fly out to head back home, some of our team members went outside the hotel to have their Bible study. What they didn’t know is that God had prepared opportunities for each of them to encounter someone who needed to know Him. Just outside the hotel, our friend Calvin met a man by the lake and began to share with him. After a few moments, he became a follower of Jesus! Another team member, Kelly, met a young lady named Carol, shared the gospel with her and led her to faith in Jesus. She beamed with joy as she began to tell the rest of the team during breakfast what had happened to her. Carol, the new believer, immediately went and brought her friend, Eve, to us and said, “I have just been saved, and I think you should too!” Darrell took her aside and shared the gospel using the “3 circles” and after hearing the gospel, Carol’s friend gave her life to Jesus as well! Before 8:00 am, three more lives had been changed by the gospel!

Throughout this mission, more than 2500 men, women and children were seen in the clinics. Many that had life-threatening conditions were given medicine and care that saved their lives. We encountered malnourished and severely sick children that most likely would have died in a matter of weeks had we not been able to reach them.

In our discipleship conferences, more than 500 local believers were trained and sent out to make a difference in their villages.

God did a great work during this trip, but the task is not yet complete. There are always more patients that want to be seen and the need is unending. We can work and serve until we have nothing left to give and at the end of the day, there is more work to be done. The medical care that our team provides is great, but it’s temporary. That is why we are unapologetically a gospel-centered ministry. It is the gospel that changes people for eternity. Whether we do a camp for children, a medical clinic, construction project or church conference, the purpose behind everything we do is to communicate the live-changing message of Jesus.

So what we are most excited to report to you is that during this mission, more than 550 people surrendered their lives to Jesus and one new village church was planted! Most of those were saved through one-on-one gospel conversations in our medical clinics. Praise the Lord for His gracious saving work!

Thank you for sending us! Thank you for making an eternal impact in the lives of so many people.

– Jared