2014 marks our nineteenth year of ministry in Uganda! We are often asked, “Why do you all still go to Uganda?” Our answer is simple: “God is still working!” We have watched as the hand of God has worked in the lives of thousands and thousands of Ugandans. This East African country is hungry for the Gospel and we want to be faithful to go while the door is wide open. Here are a few highlights of the last two decades:

  • Hundreds of volunteers have joined our teams to Uganda.
  • More than a dozen have been called into full-time missions as a result of our trips.
  • More than 80,000 Ugandans have received free treatment by our medical teams.
  • Approximately 20,000 Ugandans have placed their faith in Jesus as Savior.
  • We have provided biblical training for more than 1,000 Ugandan pastors and deacons.
  • 20 village churches have been planted where no church previously existed.

So many of you have played a crucial role in getting the Gospel to thousands of people over the last nineteen years. We are eternally grateful for your investment in this ministry. Once again we have the opportunity to partner with the Ugandan church for the sake of the Gospel’s advancement. This June, we will take 30 volunteers from a dozen different churches to serve alongside six village churches in Uganda. Our medical team will work long days to treat as many patients as they can. As a result, we will have the opportunity to present the message of salvation to every one of those patients. A medical evangelism trip is very expensive and we need your help to make it happen. Although a great portion of the medicine we take is donated, there is still more that must be purchased in Uganda beforehand. Help us reach our goal of $6,000 to buy the needed medicine. Thank you for all you do.

– Jacob

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