My dear grandmother used to have a picture on her wall with the words, “Little is much when God is in it.” Over the years, I have seen our Lord prove the truth of that statement. Time after time, the Lord has taken my weak and feeble efforts and multiplied them to advance His Kingdom and bring souls to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Just a few months ago, my son Jared and I were giving out gospel tracts beside a Buddhist temple in Yangon, Burma. As I stood there on the corner of the temple, a thought came to me. A voice seemed to say to me, “What good do you think you are actually doing here by giving out those tracts?” I identified that thought as coming from our enemy. In that same moment, a Buddhist monk approached me and said in perfect English, “Please, I need one of those.” It was only a simple act but it could make the difference between eternal life or eternal separation from God for that man.

What we may see as a small or insignificant witness may be the very thing that God uses to bring some person to our Savior. A small act of obedience, like giving out a Bible or sharing a brief testimony, may be what God uses to accomplish His purposes. Even our little becomes much when God uses it!

– Rick