“Will you come and help us?” It is a question that I am frequently asked by pastors and church leaders from all over the world. Let me introduce you to three of them.

Damien is a young pastor in Jamaica. I met him three years ago in a Jamaican prison. He is out of prison now and has started a church to reach former inmates. Just this week he has called several times asking for us to come back to Jamaica and help him in his ministry. The population of Jamaica is almost 3 million.

Then there is Pastor Carlos from Peru. He lives on the edge of the jungle beside the Amazon River. Every week he takes a boat down the Amazon to reach villages and hamlets with the Gospel. I had the opportunity to make that trip with him a few years ago. We saw an entire village confess Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. He is constantly asking us when we are coming back to help him reach these villages. The population of Peru is over 29 million.

Pastor Ling is the pastor of a church in Burma (Myanmar). Burma is a country that has been opposed to the Gospel for many years. Pastor Ling has a church and an orphanage. He also has a bible college to help train young pastors and missionaries. This man of God has faced challenges I know nothing about. He has been asking us for years to help him train his pastors and missionaries to reach their people with the Gospel. The population of Burma is over 61 million.

Who is going to take the Gospel to these millions of people? Your support makes it possible for us to have a small part in reaching them. Your support enables us to answer these calls for help. If you have not yet become a part of our financial support team, we need you now. Please help us to reach them with the message of the cross.

– Rick